Can’t You Kiss BETTER than that???
You Can Kiss Better Than That 💋
A light-hearted guide to upgrading your smooching skills

Picture this: first date, dinner went well, stars are aligned, and then it happens—that first kiss that feels like your date is trying to determine if you have tonsils… using only their tongue as a probe. 😱
Let’s face it—most of us think we’re kissing connoisseurs when we’re closer to slobbering Saint Bernards. A date told me my kissing style was “enthusiastic but confusing.” Ouch. Truth bomb: nearly 80% of us overestimate our kissing abilities. It’s time for an intervention!
Welcome to your personal kissing masterclass, where we’ll navigate the science and art of smooching without making you cringe so hard you pull a muscle. Because yes, you CAN kiss better than that! 🚀
The Kiss Hall of Shame 🏆
Before we get to the good stuff, let’s review what NOT to do. These infamous styles have been breaking hearts and creating awkward memories since lips first met:
The Vacuum Cleaner 🧹
When suction becomes assault, this kiss, this aates a seal so tight your fillings might come loose. If your partner looks like they just survived a tornado afterward, you might be guilty.
The Washing Machine 🌀
The tongue spins like it’s on a heavy cycle with extra rinse. Around and around and around it goes, when it sops, nobody knows! But everyone wishes it would.
The Statue 🗿
Standing perfectly still like you’re being photographed for your driver’s license. “I wasn’t sure if you were kissing me or having a mild stroke,” said one survivor.
The Slobberer 💦
It’s for when you need a towel after making out. Remember: exchanging DNA doesn’t mean exchanging ALL bodily fluids.
The Pecking Pigeon 🐦
Rapid-fire kisses that feel like Morse code. Are you sending an SOS? Because that’s what your date is feeling.
The Science Behind a Good Kiss 🧪
Buckle up, it’s about to get nerdy (but in a sexy way).
When lips lock, your brain throws a dopamine party! 🥳 Serotonin and oxytocin crash the bash, creating that buzzed feeling that’s better than your morning coffee. Your heart rate accelerates, blood vessels dilate, and suddenly, you’re wondering if kissing counts as cardio (sadly, it doesn’t—I checked).
Did you know that kissing engages 34 facial muscles? That’s right—it’s CrossFit for your face. 💪 And those butterflies in your stomach? That’s your body’s way of saying, “This might be a genetic match worth pursuing.” Romantic, right?
Evolutionarily speaking, kissing developed partly as a taste-test to check if your partner might poison you. It’s nature’s background check! Your body is secretly analyzing pheromones and genetic compatibility while you’re worried about your garlic bread breath. 🧄
Speaking of which, scent matters enormously. Studies show people rate kisses worse when their partner smells like they had a funeral for oral hygiene. Coffee breath, morning breath, just-ate-an-onion-bagel breath—all kiss killers. Mints exist for a reason, people!
And why do we close our eyes? It’s not just to avoid the awkwardness of staring into someone’s nostrils. Your brain literally cannot process intense pleasure and visual input simultaneously. It’s like your brain says, “Too much good stuff! Shutting down the seeing department!” 👀

The Art of the Upgrade ⬆️
Ready to elevate your game? Let’s break it down:
The 3-2-1 Approach
Three breaths to calm your nerves, two gentle touches (maybe hand on cheek, arm around waist), one moment of connection. Launch sequence initiated! 🚀
Read Your Partner
Their body is giving you feedback like a not-very-complicated novel. Leaning in? Green light! Stiffening up? Pump those brakes! Kissing is a conversation without words, so stop monologuing.
The Goldilocks Pressure
Not too hard (no one wants to feel like they’re kissing a wall), not too soft (this isn’t a ghost kiss). Just right means responsive but gentle. Think of pressing a doorbell, not testing a mattress. 👍
Hand Placement
What to do with these strange appendages during a kiss? Options include hair (gently!), face, back, and shoulders. The awkward hover-hands or the dreaded “dead at your sides” are rookie moves. Your hands should be supporting actors, not stealing the show or being completely absent.
Find Your Rhythm
Kissing should have a natural cadence, not the rigid counting of a middle school dance or the chaotic energy of a toddler playing drums. Start slow, build naturally, and for the love of all things holy, match your partner’s pace! 🎵
Context Matters
Kissing at a funeral? Quick and comforting. Kissing on a Ferris wheel? Romantic and lingering. Kissing in front of your partner’s parents? Perhaps don’t. Read the room, friends!
Advanced Techniques for the Ambitious 🎓
Ready for the master class? Let’s go:
The Perfect First Kiss
Setting: Somewhere semi-private but not creepy. Timing: After a moment of genuine connection. Technique: Start with a gentle touch, make eye contact, lean 90% of the way, and let them come the last 10%. And for heaven’s sake, tilt your head to avoid the dreaded nose collision! 👃
Making Up After a Fight
The apologetic lip lock requires vulnerability. Start soft, communicate regret without words, and resist the urge to immediately transition to makeup activities. The kiss should say “I’m sorry” before your mouth moves to other phrases.
The Passionate Movie Kiss
How to dip without dropping your partner: strong arm support, confident movement, and absolutely NO wobbling. Practice with a pillow first if needed. Remember: in movies, they get multiple takes—you don’t! 🎬
The Quick Goodbye
Making it count in three seconds is an art form. A perfect goodbye kiss is like a good espresso shot: concentrated, powerful, and leaving them wanting more. Bonus points for the surprise factor of a quick spin-and-smooch before heading out the door.
The Long-Term Relationship Reviver
Bringing back the butterflies means kissing like you mean it, even after 10,000 previous kisses. Put down your phone, forget the grocery list in your head, and kiss like it’s the first time but with the skill of experience. 💕
Remember that awkward first kiss I mentioned? Two years later, that same person told me I had graduated to “surprisingly addictive.” Growth is possible, people! 🌱
Practice makes perfect (with willing participants only, please!). Kissing is like pizza—even when it’s not great, it’s still pretty good, but when it’s exceptional, it’s life-changing.
When all else fails: brush your teeth, pop a mint, and try again with renewed confidence. At the end of the day, enthusiasm and attention go further than perfect technique.
After all, the best kisses aren’t about getting everything right—they’re about making everything else disappear for a moment. 💫