Kissing through the Ages

This site is dedicated to kissing…all kinds of kissing…hopefully, inspiring kissing

Kissing Around The World

Kissing around the world is a popular activity among couples and friends. French kissing is a popular type of kissing in which couples use their tongues to explore each other mouths. Affectionate kissing in public is also popular in many cultures.

India: The first kiss is the sweetest

A kiss is a gesture of affection, typically involving the pressing of one’s lips against the skin or another surface, such as the cheek, forehead, or hand. A kiss can also be executed between two people who are already acquainted, as when they greet each other. kisses are a common form of greeting among members of the same sex in some cultures.

A first kiss is typically considered to be romantic and special. In many cases, it is the first time that two people have physically expressed their love for each other. Anthropologist Helen Fisher has suggested that kissing may have evolved from a way to check whether a potential mate was healthy and had good genes.

Alexander the Great was known for his conquests, but he was also known for being a great lover. He was said to have kissed 10,000 women during his lifetime. It is said that he believed that the kiss may have magical powers and could cure illnesses.

Nowadays, locking lips is a sign of love and affection all over the world.


Italy and Greece: Sealed with a kiss

There’s something special about a kiss, especially a romantic kiss. It’s like a seal of approval, a promise of love and affection. When you lock lips with someone you care about, it’s a way of saying “I love you” without using words.

In Italy and Greece, kissing is seen as a very important part of romance. In fact, many couples seal their love with a passionate kiss. Whether it’s a first kiss or a thousandth kiss, it’s always special.

France: To kiss with tongues

To kiss with tongues in France is known as a “French kiss”. This passionate form of kissing involves pressing one’s lips against another person’s lips, and then using one’s tongue to playfully explore their partner’s mouth. French kissing is thought to have originated in France, hence the name.

Pucker up and share a kiss

A kiss is a gesture of affection, typically between two people who are in a romantic relationship. The act of kissing around refers to kissing someone on the cheeks or lips as a gesture of affection, without actually locking lips. A romantic kiss is usually a more intimate and passionate kiss between two people who are deeply in love.

First Recorded Kiss (circa 1500 B.C.)

The first recorded kiss dates back to 1500 BC. In ancient times, there were many different types of kisses, each with its own meaning. For example, a kiss on the cheek was a sign of respect, while a kiss on the lips was a sign of love. Today, we usually think of a kiss as a sign of affection, but it can also be used as a way to show appreciation or thanks.

First Kiss on Film (1896)

The first kiss on film was between May Irwin and John C. Rice, and was shot in 1896. The kiss lasted only a few seconds, but was considered very scandalous at the time. People were shocked that something so intimate would be captured on film and shown to the public.


First Black Kiss on Film (1898)

The first black kiss on film is often cited as being from the 1898 film The Kiss. The scene features a black man and white woman kissing, which was considered controversial at the time. Some argue that the kiss was not actually shown on screen, but was implied through editing. Regardless, the scene is considered an important moment in film history.

First Interracial Kiss on TV

The first interracial kiss on TV is widely considered to have taken place on the Star Trek episode “Plato’s Stepchildren” in 1968. The kiss was between Captain Kirk (played by William Shatner) and Lieutenant Uhura (played by Nichelle Nichols). He really did “boldly go…”

Legality of public kissing

There is no definitive answer to the question of whether public kissing is legal. In most cases, it is probably not illegal to kiss in public, but there may be specific circumstances in which it could be considered a crime. For example, if two people are kissing in a way that is disruptive or causes a disturbance, they could be charged with disorderly conduct. Additionally, if someone kisses another person without their consent, they could be charged with sexual assault.

1940s: The 3-Second Kiss Era

The 1940s were the 3-Second Kiss Era. This was the time when people believed that a kiss should last no longer than 3 seconds. This belief was based on the idea that a longer kiss could lead to passion and desire, which was seen as something dangerous.

1950s: The Closed-Mouth Kiss Means Marriage Era

The 1950s were the Marriage Era, and the closed-mouth kiss was seen as a symbol of commitment. A kiss was not just a casual gesture, but a serious act that demonstrated a couple’s intention to wed. This attitude began to change in the late 1960s, when more couples started living together without getting married. The closed-mouth kiss began to be seen as old-fashioned and prudish.


1960s: The Kisses Are Breaking The Rules Era

The 1960s were a time when kissing became more open and public. People were free to express themselves more openly, and kissing was one way to do that. Couples would lock lips in public places, and it was seen as a sign of love and affection. However, there were still some rules about kissing. For example, couples were not allowed to kiss on the lips in public places.


1970s:The Era of Nudity, Liberation & Queer Kisses 

The 1970s was the era of nudity, liberation, and queer kisses. People were free to express themselves and their sexuality in new and exciting ways. Kissing became more than just a way to show affection; it became a way to express love and desire. same-sex couples could finally share public displays of affection without fear of judgement or persecution. This was a time of great progress for the LGBTQIA+ community, and the world is better for it.


The 1980s: The High School Kisses Era

In the 1980s, the high school kiss was all the rage. Teens would lock lips in a gesture of affection or as part of a game of truth or dare. Some couples even shared a long, lingering kiss in front of their friends as a way to show off their love.


The 2000s To The Present: The Era Of Casual Kisses

The 2000s to the present: The era of casual kisses. A kiss is a sign of affection and is considered a very important part of romantic relationships. Casual kissing, however, has become more common in recent years and is seen as a way to show friendship or simply express oneself. Whether it’s a peck on the cheek or a full-on make-out session, kissing is now a more casual act than it was in the past.


The Ancient History of Human Herpes and the Poisoned Pleasure of Kissing

The history of herpes and kissing is a long and complicated one. Kissing is something that humans have been doing for centuries, and while it is often seen as a romantic gesture, it can also be a way to transmit the herpes virus. There are two types of kisses: those with tongue contact and those without. Tongue contact kisses are more likely to transmit the virus, but both types of kisses can be infectious. The virus is usually transmitted through saliva, so it is important to be cautious when kissing someone who may be infected. Herpes can be a serious virus, and while it is often associated with sexual activity, it can be transmitted through kissing as well. It is important to be aware of the risks involved in kissing, and to take precautions to avoid transmitting the virus.


Kissing as #selfcare

Kissing is definitely a form of self-care! kissing releases oxytocin, which is known as the “cuddle hormone” and can help reduce stress. Oxytocin is also associated with happiness, so kissing can also be a great way to boost your mood.



Kiss the cramps away!

A kiss may help to reduce cramps, according to some research. One study found that participants who kissed their partner for at least six seconds had a decrease in the intensity of their cramps. Kissing may also help to release endorphins, which can help to alleviate pain.



The Kiss, 1882–89

The kiss first came into popular culture in the 1882 painting The Kiss by Austrian artist Gustav Klimt. The painting depicts a couple sharing a passionate embrace, and the image quickly became an icon of love and desire. In 1889, French artist Édouard-Henri Avril created his own version of The Kiss, which depicted a more chaste peck on the cheek. These two paintings helped to solidify the kiss as a symbol of love and affection.


When you consider the fact that most other animal species don’t in this practice, you have to wonder: how did kissing ever become a thing?

The answer, according to a new study published in the journal Scientific Reports, lies in our evolutionary history.

The researchers found that humans are more likely to kiss people who share similar DNA. In other words, we’re more likely to kiss people who are related to us.

The study was conducted by a team of anthropologists at the University of Colorado Boulder. The team analyzed the kissing behavior of couples from 10 different cultures around the world.

What they found is that couples who share similar DNA are more likely to kiss than couples who don’t share DNA. The researchers believe that this is because kissing helps us to identify potential mates who are genetically similar to us.

This makes sense from an evolutionary perspective. After all, if we want to have healthy offspring, it’s important to mate with someone who has similar DNA. Kissing helps us to do that.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that we only kiss people who are related to us. The study found that couples who didn’t share DNA were still more likely to kiss than couples who did share DNA.

So why do we still kiss people who aren’t related to us